“Extraordinary Business Leader and Best in her Field”
– Los Angeles Magazine,
About the founder
Ask Simi was founded by Simona Fusco.
Growing up Simona’s late mother Maria Gruber would call her by her nickname “Simi” which her mother often told her was because she was the most beautiful, caring and compassionate little girl she had ever met. That stuck with her till this day and her mother was spot on. At the age of eight, a prominent modeling agency discovered Simi in Vienna, Austria and she quickly became their top international model for their two biggest clients, Benetton and Lacoste. At that moment, a spark was ignited in Simona, which has made her the self-made, award-winning entrepreneur that she is today.
Simona’s mother quickly realized that Austria was limited in what it had to offer her daughter and shortly thereafter, at 14 years of age Simi and her mother relocated to Los Angeles, where the entertainment world quickly discovered her beauty, talent and natural born charisma. In a span of less than 10 years, Simi starred in more than 30 televisions and movies. One prominent Hollywood critic James Bacon, one of very few to interview Marilyn Monroe in person, published a story in the Beverly Hills Magazine 213 and called Simi “The Most Spectacular Looking Blonde Since Marilyn Monroe.”
“Women of the Year” by GQ Magazine
But life didn’t start out all rosy for Simi. She had to overcome her share of tremendous hardships. Simi has gone through about every hardship you could think of. From having been abandoned and growing up without her father, to immigrating to the US at only 14 years old to losing her mother to cancer, to becoming a young single mother at the age of 21, Simi felt hopeless and lost. Being a young teen in a strange country, trying to legalize her status in the US, all the while taking care of her cancer-stricken mother and being a 21-year-old single mom, Simi had to overcome countless obstacles. Many times, she was tempted to take the easy road to help pay the bills for her sick mother or help provide for her daughter. At 15 years of age, Simi started working as a salesgirl on Rodeo Drive and a hostess at a restaurant in Beverly Hills. She was a determined young girl, working hard to make money to provide and pay her mother’s hospital bills. There wasn’t a day that went by, that she wasn’t approached by men who suggested to quit her “undesirable jobs” to just be taken care of. That she was too pretty to work these jobs and could make money much easier than this. At 21 Simi became engaged and had a baby girl with a very famous producer and manager whom she met working on Rodeo Drive. It wasn’t long before the relationship ended in a very violent, painful and public break up. Simi found herself a single mom at 21. Illegal, broke and now taking care of not only her mother but now a child. Simi had to reinvent herself all by herself. Create a life for herself because she learned, nobody was going to give it to her, at least not without a price to pay. Simi’s mother eventually lost her battle with cancer and the father of her child passed away as well leaving most of his money, true to Hollywood style, to his housekeeper of 20 years.
In 2015, one year after the death of her beloved mother, Simi founded The Maria Gruber Foundation. Simi’s mother passed away from a deadly cancer and Simi literally saw her mother pass rather quickly before her eyes. Simi was a single mother at the time and had no support groups. The Maria Gruber Foundation was created to provide educational tools to help parents, children, and loved ones affected by terminal illness. Parts of Perfect 12’s proceeds go towards her foundation to help families and their loved ones in their battle against terminal cancer. Being an entrepreneur and her own boss allowed Simi to devote the time needed to create and run this non-profit organization.
Simi also found time to produce two successful holiday movies, Beverly Hills Christmas and This is our Christmas, which aired throughout the holiday seasons of 2016 and 2018 and won an award for Best TV Movie.
From hardships that could’ve and should’ve broken Simi, to rising above and becoming a successful model and actress gracing the magazines across the globe to an award-winning entrepreneur with numerous striking accomplishments, Simi Fusco is the embodiment of the cutting-edge lady’s image of achievement who is presently driving the path for other women. Brilliant and business savvy, she demonstrates that with determination and a great deal of heart, you truly can have it all.
Ask Simi
is taking a stand on…
Ask Simi
is taking a stand on…

pitfalls of social media


viral videos

public shaming

over-sexualized clothing



sugar daddy dating
What are we doing?
The Simi Army…

Public Shaming
Gone are the days that we can do stupid things and not wake up to see it on the internet. In this attention seeking, social media hungry world, everyone is a target. All it takes is a smartphone to turn your stupid decision into public shame.
Lives destroyed for the child as it is for the parent.
Over-Sexualized Clothing
Clothing for young girls has become overly sexualized. Last year, a study found that 30 percent of children’s clothing at major retailers had sexualized characteristics. Abercrombie Kids had the highest proportion of sexualized kids’ clothes, with 72 percent of preteen clothing featuring sexualized aspects, such as slinky material or a revealing cut. Even going as far as offering push up bras to 7 year olds in their summer bathing suits. Hollywood, the modeling industry and the internet are to blame.
Most of the time girls wear these type of clothes because of the pressure to fit in.
Poor body image. Among girls aged 11 through 17, the number one wish is to lose weight which in turn leads to anorexia, bulimia and purging. Increased sexual activity among pre teens and teens. Over 1 million teens become pregnant each year!
Excessive drinking is responsible for more than 4,300 deaths EACH YEAR among underage kids in the US. More than 90% of this alcohol is consumed in the form of binge drinks. The 2017Youth Risk Behavior Survey found that among high school students, during the past 30 days
- 30% drank some amount of alcohol.
- 14% binge drank.
- 6% drove after drinking alcohol.
- 17% rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol.
- School absences and poor grades
- Legal issues, arrests, getting insured, hurting others, drunk driving,
- Unprotected sex, pregnancy, sexual assaults
- Suicidal thoughts, abuse of drugs, death from alcohol poisoning, drowning
- Changes in development, memory problems
Pitfalls of Social Media
Statistics say that 2 out of 3 people feel pressure to look good and close to a third of teens have been exposed to cyberbullying. Teens spend all of their free time on social media. In fact, they spend an average of 9 hours a day on social media. Tweens (ages 8-12) spend an average of 6 hours a day on social media. Teens, in particular girls are targets for cyber bullying. Posting pictures and getting likes and comments becomes an addiction. It’s an addiction to feel validation from strangers and peers that in turn has detrimental effects on their self-esteem and creates mental health issues, irritability, and anxiety. Researchers have shown that teens demonstrate symptoms comparable to drug withdrawal when removed from social media.
Social media increases the negative impact of comparison for teens. That’s because they compare themselves to an artificial reality of altered images. Most images on social media and in magazines are photoshop manipulated. Teens tend to focus on attractiveness and popularity when they engage in comparison. As a result, teens feel that their own accomplishments and physical appearance aren’t enough. This can be discouraging and create self esteem problems, depression, body image problems, and anxiety.
Sugar Daddy Dating
Over four million students worldwide are registered on Seeking Arrangement. A Sugar Baby in a successful arrangement can expect to receive monthly allowances, professional and social opportunities, and gifts from a Sugar Daddy or Sugar Mommy.
In the US, more than 42 million Americans have student loan debt. Meanwhile, the average debt per student rose by 5 percent in 2018 to nearly $40,000.
The United States has the largest combined number of Sugar Daddy and Sugar Mommy relationships.
Sugar Daddies – 1,982,303 Sugar Mommies – 356,098 Sugar Baby Females – 8,389,012 Sugar Baby Males – 3,092,812
Statistic says that 20% of students between the ages of 12-18 are bullied nationwide! However, bullying is not just limited to that age range. Boys and girls can be bullies.
Bullies might make fun of others for many things, including:
- Appearance (how someone looks)
- Behavior (how someone acts)
- Race or religion
- Social status (whether someone is popular)
- Sexual orientation such as being gay, lesbian, or transgender
Bullying can come in different types:
- Physical bullying is when bullies physically hurt you. This can include shoving, punching, or hitting. Any form of touching that a person does not want can be bullying and possiblesexual assault.
- Verbal bullying is taunting or teasing someone.
- Psychological bullying is gossiping or excluding people to make them feel bad about themselves.
- Cyberbullying is when bullies use the internet and social media and say things that they might not say in person. This can include sending mean texts, posting insults and rude comments to someone on social media. Cyberbullies might post personal information, pictures, or videos to hurt or embarrass someone.
Effects of bullying:
Are you or anybody you know of being bullied?
In the meantime, here are some tips with how to deal with a bully:
- Talk to an adult
- Talk to the bully
- Be confident
- Ignore the bully
- Surround yourself with your real friends and support each other